Regardless of how secure you think your system is, you should be familiar with the kinds of software attacks that can occur. Here is a list of some common types, as well as a few you may not know about.
Also known as malicious software or malicious code. Malware is a broad term used for software that is specifically designed to perform harmful or malicious actions.
What even is a virus? A virus is a form of malware that attaches itself to a program and sends copies of itself to other programs when triggered.
Macro Virus
This virus is written in macro language in order to target applications also written in that language. It is activated when the application is opened and is typically spread through e-mail attachments.
Memory-Resident Virus
Also known as the resident virus, this kind can insert itself into a device’s operating system and remain in the computer’s memory even after the host application is deleted. There is also a non-memory resident virus that terminates after being executed and does not remain in the memory.
Virus Hoax
A false message that claims there is a virus on the device in order to waste the user’s time.
A form of malware that spams the user with unwanted advertisements such as pop ups or banners.
A broad term referring to anything that assists in the unauthorized gathering of information about an individual or organization.
A form of malware that changes its appearance over time so antivirus software that looks for known signatures is unable to detect it.
Trojan Horse
Malware that misleads the user of its true intent until activated. Typically used in social engineering.
Malware that can be activated and replicated without attaching itself to an existing program.
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